Professor Thomas Farmer has served the CIS and ESE Departments as a lecturer in some capacity for almost a decade. Now CIS is pleased to announce that, in addition to to his role as Senior Lecturer, Prof. Farmer has stepped into the role of Program Director for MCIT Online.
His course CIS 593, “Introduction to Computer Systems,” is a student favorite and, according to CIS Department Chair Zach Ives, “one of the highest rated courses in MCIT Online.”
Prof. Farmer — whose focus areas of research have included RFIC, power amplifiers and mixed-signal design — teaches mainly courses that center hardware development and functionality.
The CIS Department has adapted many successful strategies from MCIT in our transition to remote learning, and Prof. Farmer has been a valuable member of MCIT since its inception. Prof. Ives notes that, in addition to strengthening student learning and community experiences, “he will also help shape the curriculum and admissions process.”
“We look forward to Tom’s leadership of the program, and thank him on behalf of our students,” said Ives. “Congratulations Tom!”